Saturday, October 25, 2008

Barack Obama for President

Regardless of whom you support, the current election here in the United States needs to be a decisive one, setting a clear track for a nation stumbling through war and economic malaise.

This election really matters.

My choice to lead us?

Barack Obama.

If you are still undecided, I urge you to look for the candidate that has a clear vision for America, that isn't based on the tactics of fear mongering and greed that got us here in the first place. I urge you to look for the candidate who is surrounding himself with a respected team of leaders to help guide him through turbulent times.

I think you can rightly wonder if Obama will do the right thing and govern closer to the center like he promises. The John McCain of 2000, I may have trusted to do so. Sadly that McCain disappeared eight years ago, replaced by a candidate pandering himself to the extreme conservative right, topped off by his seriously ill-advised gimmick in choosing Sarah Palin to join his ticket.

There is a clear choice this year. His name is Barack Obama.

Whomever gets to be our next president, I think it's clear our nation is at a crossroad facing serious challenges.

I hope for all our sake that either John McCain or Barack Obama can rise to the challenge of governing from the center, looking to build a broader consensus as we figure our way through the current economic and political climate.

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