Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Reinventing the Lightbulb

Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs have gotten a lot of hype lately as the biggest evolution of lighting in your home. The problem is, they are a lousy replacement for that old box of bulbs you have in your garage. The light is awful, they flicker and they stubbornly will not work with dimmers. Then they are toxic when you need to get rid of one.

It begs for a better solution, and luckily I'm not the only one who thinks so. Enter Frog Design with their new LED concept lightbulb:

You've been seeing LED lighting pop up for a while in novelties and as mood lighting in trendy places (think colored backlighting). They use significantly less energy than conventional lightbulbs, and have a much longer lifetime. The problem has been getting the LED technology to emit enough light to match current lightbulbs.

The Frog concept assumes there are powerful enough LED emitters out there, and then figures out a way to make them compatible with any old lamp you have lying around the house.

It is a clean innovative solution that has the potential to finally wean us off wasteful incandescent bulbs. Imagine not having to change a lightbulb for thirty years!

Lets see if this concept actually makes it to your local supermarket aisle. I would bet that if not this design, someone out there is working hard to bring LED technology into our homes.

It makes sense.

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