Thursday, September 13, 2007

"As Darkness came Hal drove me into the mysterious night of Denver. And then it all started."

While perusing my copy of John Kerouac's On The Road: The Original Scroll today I was reminded of a neat self-tour the City of Denver offers pointing you to the ever-quickly disappearing remnants of the old Beat hangouts.

These are all day-to-day places where they left their mark in legend if not words. What would Kerouac think now of sprawling high rise residences at the heart of his dusty, seedy streets?

Someday I'll just hop on the scooter and do the tour. I've been to many of the places individually, but with the march of progress, I expect even old stalwarts like My Brothers Bar to eventually succumb to the developers tempation on such a hot block.

Details on this neat free selfguided tour can be found on the City of Denver wesite: HERE

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