Thursday, August 16, 2007

Sign of the times: No Prince Charming for this Cinderella

When's the last time you caught a flick at a drive-in? Better question: Have you EVER been to one?

I think I vaguely remember going to the Cinderella Twin in Sheridan (a Denver suburb) a few times as kid. I know for sure it will be jarring to drive past it when the iconic signs and screens come down soon.

There is something nostaligic just knowing there's one in your city, but then again, there were once great movie palaces downtown too, and they're pretty much all gone now too. It was just a matter of time before a developer took advantage of the Cinderella Twin's ideal location.

Sheridan's chief building official summed it up succinctly for The Rocky Mountain News: "The nostalgia of that site - the city tried to be sensitive to the whole issue," he said. "But the shopping center that it was named after is gone. It's time to move on."

So if you want a local drive-in experience, you better go soon.

Me, I'll stick to stadium seating and surround sound at home. I will, however, remember it fondly

1 comment:

  1. One of the few things I like about roadtripping home to the Midwest is seeing old drive-ins. They linger in fields, their car lots overgrown with grass and with holes in their screen. They are sort of strange and ghostly, popping up in places where towns have shrunk or vanished.
    I've never been a to movie at the Cinderalla city screen but it's a piece of Denver's landscape I'll hate to see come down.


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