Monday, May 17, 2010

And it's OK, and it's OK.

Let's play the desert island game.

You're about to crash land somewhere in the South Pacific and only have time to save one album for your discman. Between you, the coconuts, potential smoke monsters and an endless supply of AA batteries, that's all the music you're going to get for a good long while.

Mine's been pretty constant for a while.

It's a CD that traveled the world with me, and still gets play on my iPod when I feel like blasting the speakers in my car driving home. It never fails to catch me and get me going. It's relentless. It carries me away, each and every time.

So, if you've never given Underworld's Second Toughest In The Infants a run, you should definitely download it. Then play it loud.

Why bring up my desert island album today?

Perhaps because the Underworld guys have dropped their new single Scribble, and it's pretty darn good, if perhaps, a bit upbeat?

Still one of my favorite groups out there.

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