Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Just give me some candy, after my heart.

Paulo Nutini's new video is likeable-enough, in a wannabe-Jason-Mraz sort of way.

But, what I'd really recommend you do, is turn your screen down, and listen to this tune in the dark. If you want to be practical, download it, shut down your computer, turn off the lights and just let the song wrap itself around you.

Candy is definitely a grower from the Scottish crooner. I've been listening to it all week trying to decide how I felt about it. Now that I've set aside the MTV effect, I have a feeling I'll be skipping through to this on my iPod quite a bit in the weeks to come.

This charmer of a love song doesn't need a video to guide it, but just in case you disagree, check him out, cap and all:

1 comment:

  1. Heard this guy on Ellen today....loved it! Wonderful song!


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