Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Going Big Red

This city slicker ended up in Nebraska for the Fourth of July weekend, and in case it wasn't clear, it's a very different world out there in Big Red country.

That said, the family we hung out with was, as usual, fantastic to spend time with.

Special props to the younger cousins who humored me while I vaguely attempted to fish off of a pontoon. I did manage to hook a pair of bass. Maybe next time I'll actually dare touch one, let alone pry it off the hook with some pliers!

Coming from the land of eternal dryness, it's amazing to drive up into the Platte River valley along I-80 and suddenly be surrounded by lush farmlands as far as the eye can see. As yellowed as Eastern Colorado can be, Nebraska was blanketed in endless shades of corn husk green.

This abundant humidity also allows for an Independence Day with a little more firepower. Clearly fireworks are highly encouraged, and practically a full-contact neighborhood sport. We wandered over to a neighborhood by the Grand Island racetrack where we settled into some burgers and beers waiting for the 10 PM fireworks extravaganza. By 8 PM the neighborhood was exploding already in serious firecracker competition. Never in my life have I seen the thousands of full-force fireworks exploding from every house. Sure, they paused briefly for the big show, only to do their best to show it up afterwards with their biggest boomers (allegedly from Missouri, where everything is legal). They were still going strong when we escaped back to our hotel around midnight.

Stagnant economy? Tell that to the Midwestern fireworks vendors who made off like bandits this year!

Leave it to mother nature to trump the explosives, though.

As dusk settled in the next evening and the bonfire lit up the lakefront where we were hanging out, I saw a different display of natural light that was nothing short of breathtaking. On cue, the trees and grasses around the lake suddenly flickered with hundreds of fireflies dancing in the night.

It may have lacked the firepower of the night before, but their glow in the moonlight is something I will never forget. The city slicker was thoroughly charmed by the countryside.

The warm Nebraskan welcome we were given all weekend, reminded me yet again how lucky I am for having such an amazing, crazy family today.

Whether here at home, across the United States or around the world, I am very lucky to have all of you in my life.

I love you all very much.

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