Monday, March 17, 2008

The Battle Ahead

There are few things that strike fear in my family more than cancer.

We have an unfortuate history with the disease.

It is under that shadow that we rallied around my sister this past week, nervously awaiting news we did not want to hear:

My sister has breast cancer.

There are few things as difficult or unfair as watching your sister, a healthy young woman, come to grips with this awful disease. To say it was an emotional roller-coaster of a week in New York City would be an understatement.

It was also a week full of hope.

My sister is blessed with a genuinely caring and amazing group of friends and family that are rising to the challenge at hand. She is also in the competent hands of a top-notch medical team that is forging ahead intelligently, choosing the proper plan of attack.

The path ahead may be a difficult one, but I have little doubt this will be a good fight. I love my sister dearly and while my heart broke often in New York, there was so much strength to be drawn from the whole experience.

She is strong, focused and has every reason to persevere through this.

I know I speak for my entire family in thanking everyone for their thoughts and support this past week.

The battle is on. My sister will persevere.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, she will. She kicks ass on a host of levels.

    Your mom would be really, really proud of you both.



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