Thursday, October 18, 2007

Movies come home to Colfax

I remember going to the Ogden Theater as kid, in it's waning days as a movie house.

Well before the era of home entertainment, my family drove down to Colfax Avenue here in Denver to catch a matinee of Gulliver's Travels in it's technicolor animated glory.

To this day, even when thinking of the more sordid reputation Colfax has deservedly earned over the years, I always remember that afternoon fondly.

I bring this up because it looks like movies will be screening full-time on Colfax again, perhaps as soon as this weekend.

It seems I wasn't too far off the mark last week when I wrote about the Neighborhood Flix theater over at the new Tattered Cover complex.

A glitch with an image here on the blog led me back to their website today, and lo-and-behold, it has transformed. There are now movie listings and menus where there were just conceptual drawings last week.

Colfax has a new movie palace.

I can't wait to have some popcorn there. It brings back fond memories of the old one down the street.

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