Sunday, October 21, 2007

Walking in the shadows of trolleys, dreaming of trains ahead

Inevitably, when progress marches, neighbors get caught in the way. So will it be when construction finally begins on the enormous FastTracks transit project next year.

First on deck: The West Corridor Light Rail line going from downtown Denver to the foothills community of Golden.

This strech of tracks will face unique construction challenges as it winds its way along long-abandoned trolley tracks, through older established neighborhoods.

I've been a big supporter of light rail expansion, having voted for FastTracks at the ballot box.

Rarely, however, do you really get a feel for the personal impact a project like this can have on those who find their homes and businesses in the way.

The Rocky Mountain News will spend this week chronicling a multimedia walk along the future path of the West Corridor. It's a brilliant way of showing both the potential positive impact Light Rail can have, while acknowledging that there will be prices to be paid along the way, for people who are simply stuck in the way.

You can read the stories HERE.
There's an introductory video HERE.

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